Note: This post comes with the disclaimer found elsewhere on the site. Much scholarship focusing on UDL currently does not adequately attend to the intersectional needs of students of color and the ways that racialized expectations in classrooms disproportionately limit the access that students of color have to classrooms (and thus, often, to structural adjustments to classrooms called for in UDL scholarship that makes race invisible, therefore coding itself white). There are some excellent readings critiquing the whiteness of dis/ability studies more broadly and UDL praxis specifically here in the General Must-Reads section.
This page from the brilliant Stephanie Kerschbaum offers phenomenal resources for dis/ability and the writing classroom.
Miksch, Karen L. “Universal Instructional Design in a Legal Studies Classroom.” Curriculum Transformation and Disability: Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education (2003): 163.
DeLong, Renee. “Writing Assignments and Universal Design for Instruction: Making the Phantom Visible.” Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education (2008): 131.
James, Patricia, and Themina Kader. “Practicing Universal Instructional Design in Visual Art Courses.” Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education (2008): 87.
Arendale, David, and David Ghere. “Teaching College History using Universal Instructional Design.” Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education (2008): 113.
Chanock, Kate. “Towards Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Humanities: Alternatives to Writing.” Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 3 (2008): 19-32.
Johnson, Julia R. “Universal Instructional Design and Critical (Communication) Pedagogy: Strategies for Voice, Inclusion, and Social Justice/Change.” Equity & Excellence in Education 37.2 (2004): 145-153.
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